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Crypto Snapshot Goal Calculator
Crypto Snapshot Goal Calculator
Current Price
Current Market Cap
Circulating Supply
Target Price
Target Market Cap
Amount of Crypto Needed for Goal
Cost at Today’s Price
Current Price
Current Market Cap
Circulating Supply
Target Price
Target Market Cap
Amount of Crypto Needed for Goal
Cost at Today’s Price

***Only enter data in the gray shaded fields, the rest automatically calculate***

1. Enter the Ticker Symbol of crypto

2. Enter what your goal is for that crypto for the next bull run.

3. Enter the Current price of the crypto.

4. Enter the circulating supply of the crypto

5. Enter the target price you expect the crypto to reach. 

The spreadsheet will calculate the current market cap and what the market cap would be if it were to hit the target price you enter.  It will calculate how many of that crypto you need to hit your goal if the crypto hits the target price.  The spreadsheet will also calculate how much it will cost at the current price for the amount of crypto needed to hit the goal entered.   

Thank you for your support,

Crypto Tuna


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