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Crypto SnapShot DCA Out Exit Strategy Calculator

Crypto Name Current Price Total Coins Invested Amount Percentage to Sell Selling Interval Amount to Sell per Interval Investment Period (Intervals)



  • Instructions:

    1. Input Crypto Details:

      • Crypto Name: Enter the name of the cryptocurrency you want to calculate an exit strategy for.
      • Current Price: Enter the current price of the cryptocurrency in your preferred currency.
      • Total Coins: Input the total number of coins you currently own.
      • Invested Amount: Input the total amount you have invested in the cryptocurrency.
      • Percentage to Sell: Enter the percentage of your total investment that you want to sell in each selling interval.
    2. Choose Selling Interval:

      • Selling Interval: Select your preferred selling frequency. Options include:
        • Weekly
        • Bi-weekly
        • Monthly
    3. Calculate Exit Strategy:

      • After filling in the details, click the “Calculate Exit Strategy” button. The calculator will:
        • Calculate the amount to sell per interval based on the percentage entered.
        • Display the investment period in terms of intervals required to sell the chosen percentage.
        • Add a new row to the table with your crypto name, current price, total coins, invested amount, percentage to sell, selling interval, amount to sell per interval, and the total investment period.
    4. Clear the Form:

      • To reset the form and enter new data, click the “Clear Form” button. This will clear all fields so you can start over.
    5. Save as PDF:

      • To save your exit strategy as a PDF, click the “Save as PDF” button. This will generate a printable version of the table, which you can download or print.