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Crypto Snapshot Exit Strategy 6.0

1st Pull 2nd Pull 3rd Pull 4th Pull 5th Pull 6th Pull 7th Pull 8th Pull
Number of Coins
Current Price
Pull Profits at
Percentage Selling
Selling Coins
Coin Balance
Total Profits

Crypto SnapShot Exit Strategy for Next Bull Market

Ticker Symbol Pull Pull Profits At Percent Selling Selling Coins Coin Balance Profits

Grand Total Profits: $0.00

Crypto Name Number of Coins Current Price Pull Profits Percentage Selling Selling Coins Coin Balance Profits


Instructions for Using the Crypto Snapshot Exit Strategy 6.0 Calculator

1. Overview: This calculator helps you track and manage your cryptocurrency exit strategy by calculating the number of coins to sell, the profits, and the remaining balance based on various pull strategies.

2. Setting Up Your Strategy:

  1. Select Percentage Calculation Method:

    • Choose between calculating from the “Initial Token Amount” or the “Remaining Amount” by selecting the appropriate radio button.
  2. Enter Basic Information:

    • Ticker Symbol: Enter the symbol of the cryptocurrency you’re analyzing.
    • Number of Coins: Input the number of coins you currently hold in the “Number of Coins” column.
  3. Input Current Price:

    • Current Price: Enter the current price of the cryptocurrency.

3. Configuring Pull Strategies:

For each pull (1st through 8th):

  1. Choose the Pull Option:

    • Manual Input: Enter the target price or amount manually.
    • Multiplier: Specify a multiplier to calculate the target price. For example, if you choose a multiplier of 2, the target price will be twice the initial price.
  2. Enter Pull Details:

    • Manual Input: Enter the target price or amount directly.
    • Multiplier:
      • Multiplier: Enter the multiplier (e.g., 1.5 for 150%).
      • Target Price for X times: Specify the price for the multiplier option.
  3. Set Selling Percentages:

    • Enter the percentage of coins you want to sell at each pull price.

4. Calculations:

  • Selling Coins: The number of coins to be sold at each pull price will be calculated based on the percentages you input.
  • Coin Balance: The remaining number of coins after each pull will be updated automatically.
  • Profits: The profits for each pull will be calculated and displayed.
  • Total Profits: The total profits from all pulls will be summed up.

5. Additional Features:

  • Add to Worksheet: Click this button to save the current strategy to your worksheet.
  • Clear: Use this button to reset the form and start fresh.
  • Save Worksheet as PDF: Save your current worksheet as a PDF document.
  • Download Worksheet as CSV: Download the current worksheet data as a CSV file.
  • Add to Portfolio: Add the current strategy to your portfolio.
  • Update Portfolio: Update your portfolio with the latest data.
  • Save Portfolio as PDF / Download Portfolio as CSV: Save or download your entire portfolio data.

6. Portfolio Table:

  • The portfolio table will dynamically update with the strategies you add. This table includes columns for Crypto Name, Number of Coins, Current Price, Pull Profits, Percentage Selling, Selling Coins, Coin Balance, and Profits.

7. Grand Total Profits:

  • The grand total profits from all added strategies will be displayed at the bottom of the worksheet.

Feel free to experiment with different inputs and settings to find the optimal exit strategy for your cryptocurrency investments.