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Crypto SnapShot Monthly Budget Planner

Crypto SnapShot Monthly Budget Planner

Income Breakdown

Category Percentage (%) Amount ($)
Needs 0.00
Wants 0.00
Savings & Debt 0.00
Total Income 0.00


Expense Amount ($)
Total Needs Spent 0.00
Remaining for Needs 0.00


Expense Amount ($)
Dining Out
Total Wants Spent 0.00
Remaining for Wants 0.00

Savings & Debt Repayment

Expense Amount ($)
Emergency Fund
Debt Payments
Total Savings & Debt Spent 0.00
Remaining for Savings & Debt 0.00


Category Total Amount ($) Remaining Amount ($)
Needs 0.00 0.00
Wants 0.00 0.00
Savings & Debt 0.00 0.00
Grand Total Remaining 0.00

Crypto SnapShot Monthly Budget Planner


The Crypto SnapShot Monthly Budget Planner is a comprehensive budgeting tool designed to help you manage your monthly income and expenses effectively. This tool is tailored for individuals looking to track their income, categorize their expenses, and ensure they are allocating their funds wisely across different needs, wants, and savings or debt repayment.

The planner allows you to:

  • Enter your monthly income and any additional sources of income.
  • Set budget percentages for different categories: Needs, Wants, and Savings & Debt.
  • Track actual expenses in each category and see how they compare to your budget.
  • View remaining funds for each category and the overall remaining amount.

How to Use:

  1. Enter Income:

    • Monthly Income (after taxes): Input your total monthly income after taxes.
    • Other Income: Enter any additional sources of income (e.g., freelance work, side gigs).
  2. Set Budget Percentages:

    • Needs Percentage: Specify the percentage of your total income allocated to essential expenses (e.g., rent, utilities).
    • Wants Percentage: Specify the percentage of your total income allocated to discretionary expenses (e.g., dining out, entertainment).
    • Savings & Debt Percentage: Specify the percentage of your total income allocated to savings and debt repayment.
  3. Track Expenses:

    • Needs: Enter actual expenses for each essential category in the “Needs” table (e.g., Rent/Mortgage, Utilities).
    • Wants: Enter actual expenses for each discretionary category in the “Wants” table (e.g., Dining Out, Entertainment).
    • Savings & Debt: Enter actual expenses for each savings or debt category in the “Savings & Debt” table (e.g., Emergency Fund, Debt Payments).
  4. Review Calculations:

    • Income Breakdown: The tool calculates the total income, budgeted amounts for each category, and how much remains for each category based on your expenses.
    • Category Totals: View total amounts spent and remaining amounts for each category (Needs, Wants, Savings & Debt).
    • Summary: See a summary of the total budgeted and remaining amounts for each category and the grand total remaining.
  5. Clear All Fields:

    • Click the “Clear All Fields” button to reset all input fields and calculations.
  6. Save and Download:

    • Save as PDF: Click the “Save as PDF” button to generate a PDF report of your budget planner.
    • Download as CSV: Click the “Download as CSV” button to download a CSV file containing your budget data for further analysis.

Additional Features:

  • Responsive Design: The tool is designed to work well on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Automatic Calculations: As you input data, the tool automatically updates calculations to reflect changes in your budget and expenses.