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Crypto Bull Run Blunder Fixer

Crypto Bull Run Blunder Fixer

DCA Purchases (Optional)

Inputs Table

Date Type Amount Price Total
Initial Investment


Total Tokens Bought: 0

Current Value of Holdings: 0

Total Invested: 0

Percentage Change from Buy Price: 0%

Potential Profit/Loss: 0

Break-Even Price: 0


Pull Pull Price ($) % to Pull Qty Pulled Profit ($) Remaining



🎉 Profit! 🎉 Thank you Crypto Tuna!

1. Initial Inputs:

  • Fill in the details in the initial inputs section:
    • Cryptocurrency: Enter the name of the cryptocurrency.
    • Purchase Date: Choose the date of your initial purchase.
    • Initial Investment (USD): Specify the amount you initially invested.
    • Buy Price: Enter the price at which you initially bought the cryptocurrency.
    • Current Price: Input the current price of the cryptocurrency.
    • ATH Price (Optional): If applicable, enter the All-Time High price.

2. Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) Purchases (Optional):

  • Scroll down to the “DCA Purchases (Optional)” section.
  • Click the “Add DCA Purchase” button to add additional purchases.
  • For each DCA purchase, provide the date, amount, and price per unit.

3. Set Exit Strategies (Pull Section):

  • Scroll further down to the “Pull” section.
  • For each row (1 to 4), input the pull price and the percentage to pull.
  • The table will automatically calculate the quantity pulled, profit, and remaining quantity.

4. Calculate and Review Outputs:

  • After filling in the necessary details, click the “Calculate” button.
  • Review the calculated outputs in the “Outputs” section.
  • Key outputs include total tokens bought, current value of holdings, total invested, percentage change, potential profit/loss, and break-even price.

5. View Total Profit and Profit/Loss:

  • Review the “Total” section to see the total profit across all pull strategies.
  • The “Profit/Loss” section shows the overall profit or loss from the entire investment.

6. Celebrate (Optional):

  • If there’s a profit after the calculation, a celebration message and sound will appear. This is optional and just for fun.


  • Ensure all input fields are filled with valid data.
  • Be cautious and double-check all values before making any decisions based on the calculated results.
  • Experiment with different scenarios, such as adjusting DCA purchases or exit strategies, to understand their impact on potential profits and losses.