At Crypto Snapshot, we empower you to navigate the dynamic world of cryptocurrency with confidence and precision. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a crypto novice, our comprehensive suite of tools and resources is designed to help you make informed decisions and maximize your investment potential.

Explore the full potential of your crypto investments with Crypto Snapshot. Our tools are designed to provide you with the knowledge, insights, and strategies you need to succeed in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency. Start using our tools today and take control of your financial future.






Crypto Price Increase Calculator

Crypto Name Current Price (USD) Increase Amount (USD) New Price (USD) Percentage Increase X times increase

Reverse Crypto Price Increase Calculator

Crypto Price Increase Calculator

  1. Enter the Crypto Name:

    • Input the name of the cryptocurrency you want to analyze in the “Crypto Name” field.
  2. Enter the Current Price:

    • In the “Current Price (in USD)” field, input the current market price of the cryptocurrency.
  3. Enter the Increase in Price:

    • Input the desired or expected increase in the cryptocurrency’s price in the “Increase in Price (in USD)” field.
  4. Calculate:

    • Click the “Calculate” button to compute the new price, the percentage increase, and how many times the price has increased (X times increase).
  5. View Results:

    • The calculator will automatically populate the following fields:
      • New Price (in USD): The new price after the increase.
      • Percentage Increase: The percentage change in the price.
      • X times increase: How many times the price has increased relative to the current price.
  6. Add to Table:

    • After calculating, click the “Add to Table” button to save the results in a table below. This helps in keeping track of different cryptocurrencies or scenarios.
  7. Clear Fields:

    • Click the “Clear” button to reset all fields and start a new calculation.

Reverse Crypto Price Increase Calculator

  1. Enter the Crypto Name:

    • Input the name of the cryptocurrency in the “Crypto Name” field.
  2. Enter the Current Price:

    • Enter the current price in the “Current Price (in USD)” field.
  3. Enter the Percentage Increase:

    • Input the percentage by which you expect or desire the price to increase.
  4. Calculate Reverse:

    • Click the “Calculate Reverse” button to determine the exact increase in USD required to achieve the specified percentage increase.
  5. View Increase Needed:

    • The “Increase in Price Needed (in USD)” field will show the exact amount required to reach your desired percentage increase.

Saving Results

  • Save as PDF:
    • Click the “Save as PDF” button to save the table with all the calculated data as a PDF document.

This tool helps you analyze price changes in cryptocurrencies, track different scenarios, and save your analyses for future reference.