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Tokenomics Calculator

Crypto SnapShot Tokenomics Calculator

Market Cap:

Fully Diluted Market Cap:

Market Cap at Target Price:

X from Current Price:

Percent Gain:

Market Cap Dominance:

Title: Crypto SnapShot Tokenomics Calculator


The Crypto SnapShot Tokenomics Calculator is a powerful tool designed to assist crypto enthusiasts and investors in evaluating the tokenomics of various cryptocurrencies. This intuitive calculator provides key metrics and insights, helping users make informed decisions about their investments. With easy-to-use input fields, users can quickly assess vital information related to the cryptocurrency’s supply, price, and market cap. The calculator also offers dynamic features such as estimating market cap at a target price and calculating potential gains. Additionally, a refresh button allows users to reset the inputs for a seamless experience. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, this calculator is an essential companion for evaluating crypto assets.


  • Total Supply Input
  • Circulating Supply Input
  • Current Price (USD) Input
  • Target Price (USD) Input (Optional)
  • Total Crypto Market Cap Input
  • Market Cap Calculation
  • Fully Diluted Market Cap Calculation
  • Market Cap at Target Price Estimation
  • X from Current Price Calculation
  • Percent Gain Calculation
  • Market Cap Dominance Calculation
  • Refresh Button for Quick Reset

How to Use:

  1. Input the total supply and circulating supply of the cryptocurrency.
  2. Provide the current price of the cryptocurrency in USD.
  3. Optionally, enter a target price for additional analysis.
  4. Input the total crypto market cap for broader context.
  5. Click “Calculate” to generate key metrics and insights.
  6. Use the refresh button to reset inputs for a new evaluation.

Explore the potential of your favorite cryptocurrencies with the Crypto SnapShot Tokenomics Calculator. Empower yourself with data-driven decisions in the dynamic world of digital assets.


  1. 🚀 I’d love to hear your thoughts! Have you tried out my Crypto SnapShot Tokenomics Calculator? Your feedback is invaluable to me as I continue to improve and enhance your experience. Let me know how it worked for you, any suggestions you might have, or any features you’d like to see in the future. Your insights help me make my tools even more user-friendly and effective. Thanks for being a part of my journey! 🙌 #crytpo snapshot – Crypto Tuna

  2. What Iz Crypto

    Hey bubba, just came back to take a look at the website and boy, you changed everything around! I am lost now lol. I wanted to use the calculator that gives you an exit strategy and it was very simple to use. I looked at the other ones you have and they seem a little more complex. Forgive my ignorance. I loved the one that you put in: token name, ATL, ATH, Current price, Investment Amount, and then wether its aggressive, moderate, ect and then it calculates 4 different “pulls”. Guide me bro. Which one is this one? Also, is there a way to input commas into the numerical entries, only because we are dealing with millions and billions, and its hard sometimes to count all the zeros. THANKS BUDDY! YOU AND TANK ARE THE BEST!

    • Hey bro,
      You are talking about the Fibonacci exit strategy – on the main page I have different menus now. It is under the “Exit Strategy” menu, and it is called the “Crypto Snapshot Instant Fibonacci Exit Strategy Tool” Give it a look. And – thanks man, I appreciate that.
      Crypto Tuna

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