Around 62,600 Bitcoin options contracts are expiring on Friday, Oct. 25, with a notional value of around $4.26 billion. Today’s options expiry is a month-end event, which makes it much larger than regular weekly expiries. Moreover, spot markets have been in decline since their high on Monday, so can the trend be reversed? Bitcoin Options Expiry […]
Around 18,500 Bitcoin options contracts are expiring on Friday, Oct. 18, with a notional value of around $1.26 billion. Today’s options expiry is very similar to last week’s, with declining volatility resulting in smaller expiry events. For this reason, the impact on spot markets is likely to be minimal. However, there is a large $4 […]
Around 18,500 Bitcoin options contracts are expiring on Friday, Oct. 18, with a notional value of around $1.26 billion. Today’s options expiry is very similar to last week’s, with declining volatility resulting in smaller expiry events. For this reason, the impact on spot markets is likely to be minimal. However, there is a large $4 […]
Around 18,800 Bitcoin options contracts will be expiring on Friday, Oct. 11, with a notional value of around $1.1 billion. Today’s options expiry is very similar to last week’s as implied volatility declines, and expiry events are now smaller. Therefore, it is unlikely to impact spot markets, which have been retreating this week. Bitcoin Options […]
Around 89,000 Bitcoin options contracts are due for expiry on Friday, Sept. 27. These BTC derivatives have a notional value of around $5.8 billion. Today’s options expiry is a whopper due to the end of the month and the end of the third quarter, so it could impact spot markets, which have been on the […]
Around 20,000 Bitcoin options contracts are due for expiry on Friday, Sept. 20. These crypto derivatives have a notional value of around $1.26 billion. Today’s options expiry is very similar in size to last week’s expiry event, which did not have much of an impact on crypto spot markets. Next week’s expiry is an end-of-month […]
Around 23,000 Bitcoin options contracts are due for expiry on Friday, Sept. 13. These derivatives have a notional value of around $1.34 billion. Today’s options expiry is roughly double the size of last week’s expiry event, so the impact on dampened crypto spot markets may be greater. Bitcoin Options Expiry This week’s batch of Bitcoin […]
Around 62,000 Bitcoin options contracts are due for expiry on Friday, August 30. They have a notional value of around $3.65 billion. Today’s options expiry event is a large one due to it being the end of the month. However, spot markets are rarely rattled by these derivatives developments which serve more as an indication […]
Around 18,400 Bitcoin options contracts are due for expiry on Friday, August 23. They have a notional value of around $1.1 billion. Today’s options expiry event is a little smaller than last week’s, so its impact on spot markets is likely to be limited. The much larger month-end expiry event next week has a notional […]
On Friday, August 16, around 24,300 Bitcoin options contracts will expire, with a notional value of around $1.4 billion. Today’s options expiry event is smaller than last week’s, so its impact on spot markets is likely to be limited. The much larger month-end expiry event currently has a notional value of $3.2 billion. Bitcoin Options […]